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Metro Transit - High School Students
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Metro Transit - High School Students

Metro Transit - High School Students
Metro Transit bus

Expect the unexpected with Metro Transit busing to high schools 

Updated: 4.2.21

Metro Transit is doing everything it can to keep riders safe. Please help in-person learning students plan ahead when riding the bus to school this spring.

Here’s what to expect:

Masks on everyone (including students) and more space between passengers.

Buses that may drive past waiting passengers. Buses will be operating at 50% capacity to allow social distancing. 

You may see “Next Bus” on the header of the bus, meaning “wait for the next bus.”

There may be multiple buses at the SAME time following each other, because of the need to maintain lower capacity. 

Drivers are NOT singling people out when they pass waiting people; they are restricted due to COVID ridership.

There may be multiple buses at the SAME time following each other, because of the need to carry fewer passengers.

Thankfully, there are fewer commuters since many people are still working from home as was encouraged by the governor.

Consider a dry-run before the first day back. Students should have Plans A, B, and C for getting school, including different routes, times or drivers, if necessary.

Look for buses with OPEN DOORS in the FRONT of the line at the school; students should enter those buses first.

Trips may take longer. Students should stop into the school office if their buses make them late. Principals know this is possible.  

Drivers and other riders may be anxious about their health and safety. Please be patient and stay safe

Call the phone number on your Go To Cards for with questions: 612.373.3333 (option 3).