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Key Components

Key Components

This page contains archived information regarding the CDD. All presentations and models are for historical purposes only. For current information and plans, visit https://www.cdd.mpls.k12.mn.us/

In rebooting the CDD this summer, MPS intentionally focused on studying policies and practices that impact districtwide systems. The goal is for these studies to provide information and context to change the systems and better serve all students. Together with other information and continued community input, they will result in a model that staff, families, students and the larger community will be asked to examine, discuss and, as necessary, challenge this spring.

Academic Plan: The Academic Plan takes into consideration of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) definition of a Well Rounded Education, World’s Best Workforce, MPS 4 Priorities (MTSS, Balanced Literacy, Social Emotional Learning and Equity) and Board of Education values in the Comprehensive District Design

The Academic Plan is focused on supporting current work but also critically evaluating how we move forward to improve students’ academic success in Minneapolis Public Schools. The Academic Plan should be seen through lens of equity, meaning, focus includes asking critical questions about access and opportunity to academic success through lens of underrepresented populations.

Boundary study: The boundary study looked at how MPS could redraw attendance boundaries to meet two goals set by the Board of Education. First, prioritizing community schools for students and families that are cornerstones of their neighborhood. Second, increasing integration by both race and income, which has been shown to improve academic outcomes. This is not a model or plan for how the district will move forward, but rather an examination of how those two goals could be achieved and what the district would begin to look like in that scenario. As part of the study, MPS also looked at how transportation costs could be reduced. 

Student Placement study/EDIA: For many years, people have anecdotally understood MPS's placement process to be difficult for families to navigate and understand. The Student placement study, also known as an Equity and Diversity Impact Assessment, looked at whether there was factual and systemic basis to that idea and how the district's policies perpetuate problems. With significant community input and review, the study identified several root causes of the problems and outlined potential solutions.

As additional studies are completed, this page will be updated.