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CDD information for MPS students

CDD information for MPS students

MPS, in partnership with the CityWide Student Leadership Boardwants to make sure MPS students have access to information about the Comprehensive District Design.

Members of the CityWide Student Leadership Board created this video to help you learn more about the CDD:

High School Changes, including Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Many of you are probably wondering how the CDD will impact you and your high school. MPS hosted a Student Listening Session, with Q&A moderated by MPS Student Board Rep, Nathaniel Genene from Washburn, and CityWide President, Nik Fisher from Southwest, on Wednesday, February 26. MPS leaders presented updates about proposed changes to high schools and CTE, and answered students’ questions.  Here is a video of that session.

Some highlights presented to students at the listening session include:

  •     High schools transition beginning with 2021-22 incoming 9th graders
  •     10th, 11th and 12th grade students would remain in current high schools until graduation
  •     Some inter-district enrollment still anticipated via school choice; considering as part of Placement Protocols
  •     District investment in currently under-enrolled schools in advance of implementation to build programming
  •     Integrated learning opportunities through centralizing CTE at three sites:
  1. North Tech Center: North High School: Engineering, Computer Science Information Technology, Robotics, and Web and Digital Communications
  2. Northeast Tech Center: Edison High School: Business, Law and Public Safety, Agriculture
  3. South Tech Center: Roosevelt High School: Auto, Construction, Machine Tool, Welding; Healthcare

Want to learn more? View the video of the full presentation or review the Board presentation on High School boundaries and CTE. A student journalist from Edison Tommies Student Network produced this recap of the event:

MPS Student Voice on the CDD

In addition to hosting the Listening Session with students, the MPS Research, Evaluation, and Assessment (REA) Department has collected student input on the CDD via two methods:

  • Online survey, available to all MPS high school students (1532 responses)
  • Focus groups with representative student groups from seven MPS high schools 

Findings will be presented at the March Committee of the Whole Board meeting.