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Board Values Resolution
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Board Values Resolution

Board Values Resolution

The Board of Education on Oct. 7, 2019, passed the following resolution outlining the values it would like to see threaded through the Comprehensive District Design.

Resolution on Comprehensive District Design Guiding Values

WHEREAS, Structural and policy level factors exist within Minneapolis Public Schools that deprive students of the educational experience they need and deserve; and

Vast differences in outcomes and experiences for students exist by race, geography, housing status, and other characteristics; and

As the elected governing body of Minneapolis Public Schools, we are responsible for the outcomes and experiences of our students and for setting a vision, and then providing sufficient resources, enacting policies, and offering support for a Superintendent to deliver on it.

SO, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Special School District No. 1, hereby directs and empowers the Superintendent to bring forth a set of recommendations, collectively known as the Comprehensive District Design, for Board action that incorporates the following:

  • Provides a well-rounded, early childhood through graduation, education so every student in every part of the city is equipped with the academic, social/emotional, and technical skills to be successful in college and/or career
  • Incorporates articulated thematic and/or specialized programming and predictable staffing to support academic opportunities for students
  • Is accessible to all parts of the city
  • Is rigorous, relevant, and responsive to student interests and goals
  • Includes a plan for a career and technical education (CTE) continuum that includes career exploration, career readiness courses, and career skills and credentials
  • Includes a plan for special education so students can access services near their home and that does not perpetuate school segregation or concentrate services
  • Includes a plan that allows students learning English to access schools using best practice methods and includes a holistic multilingual programming continuum
  • Is achievable and sustainable
  • Ensures equitable access to rigorous academic and credit attainment opportunities
  • Recognizes that racially and economically integrated schools benefit our students and are an asset to our community. Plans should:
    • Remove elements within our control that further segregation, including placement policies and school pathways
    • Reduce the number of racially isolated schools
    • Strategically place, draw boundary areas for, and enroll magnet schools that create integrated school environments without increasing segregation at other schools--any such magnets should be supported and funded accordingly
    • Not exclusively use the transportation of one group of students to achieve integration

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that plans should support existing priorities for student learning within Minneapolis Public Schools, including:

  • Continued focus on the four core priority areas (multi-tiered systems of support, equity, literacy, and social emotional learning), that will improve instruction for students of color and Indigenous students
  • Culturally responsive curricula including, but not limited to Ethnic Studies and STEAM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Arts/Mathematics)
  • Implement a racial equity focused school climate plan that will improve student retention, family and staff experiences, and student learning
  • Continue to recruit and retain staff of color
  • Continue to support the Full-Service Community School model

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the process to develop recommendations and plans must utilize the following guiding principles:

  • Be informed by data, research, and strong rationale provided for any significant changes
  • Be grounded in student, parent, educator, and community member input—with a prioritization of the voices of students of color, Indigenous students, immigrant students, and their families
  • Be critically analyzed through an anti-racist and proactively equity-focused lens

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that as a Board, we commit to:

  • Act when needed, even if difficult
  • Stand behind adopted actions with budget and other necessary resources
  • In accordance with our EDIA policy, address any policies that perpetuate institutional racism
  • Regularly revisit our actions to ensure follow through and accountability

AND FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED that the Minneapolis Board of Education renews our call for partners and leaders to address the significant external factors impacting our students’ lives by:

  • Providing safe, affordable, and stable housing opportunities throughout the city
  • Eliminating unintended consequences of state and federal school choice policies
  • Fully funding education, especially special education and multilingual services
  • Protecting our immigrant students, families, and staff