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Social Media & Online Safety for Caregivers
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Social Media & Online Safety: Key Messages for Caregivers

Social Media & Online Safety: Key Messages for Caregivers

Beginning December 2020, MPS will be expanding our efforts to share information and resources with care-givers, staff and students around safe internet and social media use. During the pandemic, many of us are spending more time on-line to learn, meet up or play with friends and to explore new topics of interest. It is important for us as a school district community, to ensure we all have up to date information on how to best use the internet and social media safely and with kindness.

As caregivers it is important to be aware of some of the risks your student might experience while online. Students may be exposed to cyberbullying or other online predators may pose a significant threat to children, because the internet makes it easy for people to disguise their identity and be anonymous. This makes it easy to manipulate or trick children and teens, and sometimes even adults. 

Things to be aware of when your student is using social media or is using the internet:

  • How to set expectations and boundaries for internet, device, and social media usage 
  • Tips on how to have conversations with your student about internet safety 
  • Signs to look for if you suspect online exploitation of a child or teen

MPS will continue to share information about social media and online safety with caregivers, students and staff via classroom lessons, our website, newsletters, and school events. Look for additional information coming your way about relationships and communication, digital drama, hate speech, managing screen time, and how to be a good consumer of online health postings around topics like vaping, self-harm and body image.

Learn more: 

1. What do caregivers need to know:

2. Setting Family Expectations:

3. How to talk to your student:

4. Recognizing the signs, and/or what to do next:

Who can I talk to if I have more questions or am worried about my student?

Each MPS school has staff members available to talk more with you about this topic. Reach out to your school’s Principal, Social Worker, Nurse, Counselor or Psychologist for support. If you are unsure how to contact these staff members you can call 612-668-0000 for more information. You can also call our Family Engagement Team at 612.668.0198.

If you are concerned that your student is at risk of being sexually exploited you can call the MN Safe Harbors Hotline at 1.866.223.1111 or visit the Safe Harbors Home-page.