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Summer Reading Tips
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MPS Strong Reads Tips

MPS Strong Reads Tips

MPS Strong Reads: Weekly summer tips for parents

1.) Create a reading routine

Many kids benefit from routine and structure. This makes for an easier adjustment for kids from the school year to summer and back to school again. Maybe your routine is reading 20 minutes a night before bed. Maybe its quiet time in the afternoon. Whatever you choose, begin the practice during the first week of summer to help have smooth transition back to school in the fall.  

2.) Let kids choose

Over 90% of kids say they are more likely to finish a book if they picked it out. Let them read about their favorite subject or person. Sports? Dinosaurs? Zombies? Let them read about it (and then ask them to share the fun facts they’ve learned with you!).

3.) Read to your kids

Reading to your kids from a young age helps them establish a positive relationship with reading from the very start. Reading together is great bonding time. Reading to children expands their vocabulary, builds listening skills and imagination, and teaches them empathy.  

Start reading aloud to your children when they are babies and keep reading to them up through elementary school and beyond. As they gain reading skills, have them read aloud to you.

4.) Visit the library regularly

We have a wonderful resource in the Hennepin County Library. Libraries are the perfect place to spend an afternoon cooling off during a hot summer day. And they’re free!

Go to the library with your child and get them their own library card! Allow enough time for your library visit so kids don't feel rushed. Encourage them to look around. Help them find the books they want or ask a librarian for suggestions. And check Hennepin County Library’s fantastic summer learning programs

5.) Talk to kids about the books they are reading

Ask questions like:

  • What is the story about? 
  • Who is the main character? 
  • What was your favorite part? 
  • What do you think will happen next?

6.) Create a comfortable reading space for your child

A reading-friendly environment is very important. Make sure there is someplace in your home where your child can focus on reading. Remove distractions, turn off the TV and create a quiet environment. Good lighting and a comfy place to sit also help.

7.) Lead by example

Read around your kids and with your kids. And by reading, we don’t just mean social media. Showing your kids that you love books will help spark their interest in books as well. Talk to your kids about what you are reading; share an interesting fact that you learned from a magazine article or read about a place that you may visit on an upcoming family vacation.  

8.) Reread Favorites

Kids love to hear their favorite stories over and over again. It’s a great opportunity to read aloud together, use funny voices, or talk about what comes next. Rereading books provides an opportunity to hear or see something that your child may have missed the first time.

9.) Keep books everywhere!

Keep books in the car, the house, a beach bag so that a great story is always within reach.

10.) Utilize technology for reading

We know that kids love technology. Download one of the many apps that allow kids to read on a phone or tablet. When you hear the inevitable “can I play a game on your phone?”, allow your child to read an e-book instead.