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Legislative Agenda
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MPS 2023 Legislative Agenda

MPS 2023 Legislative Agenda

Minneapolis Schools’ 2023 Legislative Agenda

I. Stable, Predictable Funding

  • Tie the general education aid formula to inflation
  • Renew Voluntary pre-kindergarten funding and expand school-based pre-kindergarten programs so more families have access to all day pre-k
  • Allow elected school boards to renew existing operating and capital projects levies which have been approved by voters without requiring additional referenda elections

II.  Safe Schools and Communities

  • Triple safe schools funding with state aid and an equalized levy
  • Support legislation to limit children’s access to guns and provide more supports for students at risk of harming themselves or others

III. Special Education Funding and Policy

  • Fully fund special education
  • Address the mismatch of open enrollment and special education tuition billing statutes so resident district budgets do not take a disproportionate share of the cost burden
  • Address the rapidly rising cost of special education tuition billing due to some schools’ ability to bill back 100% of their costs
  • Allow districts to access federal Medical Assistance for social work services

IV. Stable, Healthy Engaged Families

  • Support increases in state funding for Full Service Community Schools
  • Expand funding for school-linked mental health grants
  • Address the underfunding of homeless and foster student transportation
  • Ensure access to safe and affordable housing for students and families

V.  Equitable Access to Proven Programs and Supports

  • Increase English Learner funding to close the funding gap
  • Expand state support of teacher residency programs with a focus on teachers of color, special education, career and technical education, math and ESL/bilingual education
  • Transfer district of residence to the serving district after one year for students who open enroll
  • Make ethnic studies a state graduation requirement for high school students
  • Support athletic directors association’s proposal to incentivize athletic directors to seek professional certifications