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CDD Digest

CDD Update - March 4, 2020

Last digest:

We shared information about three parts of the Jan. 28 presentation to the Board on the CDD. We talked about how the high school boundaries were an early draft and would be updated soon. For Special Education, we discussed how the goal remains a more inclusive learning experience for students where they can receive needed services in their community school whenever possible. And for Career Technical Education (CTE), we shared our hope to create centralized programming that prepares students with the skills and education necessary to succeed in whatever they take on after high school.

What’s new:

Key points: This week we’re going to talk about why people keep seeing changes to the CDD, what some of those changes look like, and when to expect more information. In particular, we’ll share recent updates to high school boundaries and CTE programming as discussed at community listening sessions. That said, we want people to remember the CDD is about more than just boundaries. We encourage everyone to watch this statement by Dr. Aimee Fearing, who leads the Academic team.

More info: In short, the CDD is an iterative process. Things keep changing because we are listening and incorporating feedback to make adjustments. From the beginning, we said we would show our work. That may not happen as quickly as people would like all the time, but we continue to improve the CDD based on what we are hearing from students, staff and families.

One thing people keep asking for is updated school boundary maps. On March 5, we are going to present the most up-to-date boundaries to the Board. However, those will probably change again before a final proposal goes to the Board on March 24 because intentional updates happen almost daily. Another example of a recent change was adding a Northeast Tech Center at Edison High School, which would mean three locations for CTE and shifting some program locations.

We know that’s frustrating when you are trying to plan for your family and your future. Those considerations are on our mind as well, which is one reason we will be proposing current high school students be able to earn their diploma at their current high school. That will allow students already deeply connected to their school communities through activities, athletics and clubs not to change things often tied to their post-secondary plans. Beginning in 2021-22, 9th graders would start high school under the new CDD boundaries.

Again, the CDD is about more than boundaries. It’s about academics, equity, and sustainability, and includes many strategies and tactics to achieve those goals. While they have a big impact on school communities, boundaries are only one of those strategies. And nothing will be final until the Board votes on April 14.

What’s coming up:

On March 5, the Board of Education Committee of the Whole discussion will include preliminary feedback from the CDD listening sessions, the updated boundaries, and other CDD updates.

March 10 will be a regular Board of Education meeting, but the CDD is not on the agenda.

March 24 is when the final CDD proposal will be presented to the Board. Information regarding data collection and responses will also be summarized and shared at that meeting.

The Board will vote on the CDD at the April 14 meeting.

How you can stay engaged:

Watch the Board meetings on Channel 15 or online at mps.eduvision.tv. You can also see previous Board meetings, presentations and information sessions at both places.

Check out answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the CDD, give feedback, and stay up-to-date on the latest developments.

Attend meetings at your school and have conversations with your principal about the CDD.

Thank you for continuing to learn more and sharing your thoughts on the CDD.