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Welcome, Interim Superintendent Rochelle Cox
Wednesday, June 29, 2022 8:15 AM

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MPS welcomes Rochelle Cox into her new role as interim superintendent, starting today, July 1.


Rochelle Cox has more than 25 years’ experience as an educator with MPS, notably serving students who receive Special Education services and their families for much of that time. As she moves into her role as interim superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools, Rochelle is focused on listening, learning and identifying ways to help the community come together in an effort to boost academic achievement for all students.


Rochelle joined MPS in 1997 as a teacher on special assignment (TOSA) in the Early Childhood Special Education Department. She has since served in several leadership positions, including executive director of Special Education and Health Services. In her most recent role as associate superintendent beginning in 2021, Rochelle supported 21 elementary schools, their principals, staff, students and families.


Special Education Leadership

  • Helped develop the first Minnesota school district special education licensing program (in process) to ensure MPS-specific training
  • 17% increase in graduation rates
  • 5% reduction in suspensions
  • Reduced by three times the risk of over-identification of African American students as emotionally/behaviorally disabled

Enhanced Special Education Services through Comprehensive District Design

  • Increased accessibility overall
  • Brought students to schools closer to their homes 
  • Made MPS magnet programming accessible to students receiving Special Education services 

Increased School-Based Mental Health Programming to All Schools

  • Identified tiered levels of service from emotional wellness to intensive mental health therapy
  • Improved service delivery by working with Hennepin County to review cases for students receiving services from both organizations
  • Implemented ThinkKids Collaborative problem-solving process to increase student skill development and reduce need for behavior interventions
  • Recognized by the City of Minneapolis for comprehensive health and safety implementation throughout the COVID-19 pandemic


Over the next school year, Rochelle wants to:

  • Listen to concerns and ideas.
  • Learn more about MPS community needs and desires.
  • Honor commitments made to the MPS community.
  • Rebuild relationships amongst MPS and the people we serve.
  • Create conditions to set up the new superintendent for success.


Rochelle and her husband have two grown daughters and live on a small horse farm in the outskirts of Minneapolis.