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School Board vote: Friday, April 21, 2023 a non-school day
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 1:10 PM

When the school calendar was created and shared in early 2022, MPS stated that it would not schedule school on significant Muslim and Jewish observances to support student attendance. Our best understanding at the time showed Eid al Fitr would occur on Saturday, April 22; however, we have been made aware recently that Eid prayers and celebrations will be held on Friday, April 21. 

The MPS School Board of Education voted last night that there will be no school on Friday, April 21. Students should not report to class.

A limited number of schools will need to make up instructional time as a result. MPS will work with our unions to determine how that time will be recovered. Friday, June 16 is a possible make-up day. 

We apologize for the late notice and for the inconvenience. Additional information and resources will be shared as soon as possible.