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MPS selects 13 community partners to support students and families
Monday, October 17, 2022 3:30 PM

After a competitive process with very strong applicants, Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) has selected 13 community partners to provide programming for students during the 2022-23 school year. The partners will receive funding for their respective programs through federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Act (ESSER) funding.

Phase 2 of ESSER III funding focuses on three areas: High School Academic Supports, Middle School Student Wellbeing, and Parent/Caregiver Capacity Building. All selected programs support students most impacted educationally and emotionally by the COVID-19 pandemic: low-income students, students of color, American Indian students, English language learners, students with disabilities and students experiencing homelessness.

Individual contract amounts for the thirteen community partners selected range from $25,000 to $75,000, for a total amount of just under $800,000. In total, MPS received 39 proposals requesting more than $2.3 million in funding.

The names of the community partners and type of programming are listed below. Final contract amounts are pending.

Baby's Space: A Place to Grow will provide parent empowerment training and coaching to American Indian parents and parents of color.

Black Men Teach will support leadership skill development and career exploration for black male high school students and will provide academic support and enrichment activities for elementary students.

BFRESHProductions will provide high school students with an immersive media experience with access to technology, mentorship, and development opportunities to share narratives that will be aired on various platforms.

Change Inc will collaborate with MPS Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) to build Parent/Caregiver capacity and resilience.

Conflict Resolution Center will support students in high school Special Programming for Adolescent Needs (SPAN) programs with conflict resolution stills.

FRAYEO will support East African middle school students in building conflict resolution skill building within the school setting.

Lutheran Social Services (SELF) will provide comprehensive sexuality education, covering topics including healthy relationships, communication styles, decision making skills, consent, and prevention of pregnancy and STIs.

Park Nicollet Growing Through Grief will implement community and racial trauma grief groups with middle school students.

Positive Image will work with low-income, BIPOC parents, single mothers, and single African American fathers, to provide financial education of wealth building, healthy living, and more.

Power of People Leadership Institute will provide mentoring to positively impact the social-emotional well-being and mental health of middle school students, particularly students of color.

Somali American Parent Association will support East African families  with parenting skills and strategies focused on navigating their children’s academic success, modeling emotional regulation skills and more.

Upstream Arts will utilize art activities to support students with intellectual, developmental, emotional, behavioral, and physical disabilities, as well as those who are Deaf or hard of hearing and those who are blind or have visual impairments.

Webber Camden Neighborhood Association will provide trauma informed services for parents/caregivers regarding conflict resolution and problem solving in a cultural context. 

The MPS ESSER III plan was shaped by feedback from an advisory committee (including staff members, union representatives, students and families, and community partners), American Indian tribal consultation, as well as online and direct input from individuals and organizations.