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MPS operations leader accepts new position
Tuesday, May 24, 2022 3:00 PM

Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) Senior Officer of Operations Karen DeVet has announced plans to move to a new position outside MPS at the end of June.

DeVet’s strategic leadership has had an enormous impact on streamlining, updating and increasing the efficacy of MPS operations, including within initiatives such as the Comprehensive District Design (CDD), pandemic planning and recent strike operations. 

Since joining MPS in 2016, she has continually sought operational improvement by identifying initiatives, analyzing alternatives, establishing strategic direction and motivating teams towards excellence and sustainability, all with a focus on equity. DeVet has a strong skill of seeing projects both strategically and technically to identify solutions that are often unexpected and strategic, including in her extensive efforts to find solutions to our ongoing challenges getting our students to school.

MPS will announce plans to fill DeVet’s position soon.