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Parent Legislative Action Committee
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MPS Parent Legislative Action Committee

Action Alert - Conference Committee


ACTION ALERT - English     ACTION ALERT - Espanol    ACTION ALERT - Hmoob   ACTION ALERT - Soomaali

Minneapolis Public School Parent Legislative Action Committee,

The legislature has reached that point in the budget setting process where the House and Senate will be meeting in a conference committee to sort out differences between their funding bills. 

Now is the time to call or email your State Senator and State Representative (Find their contact information here - https://www.gis.lcc.mn.gov/iMaps/districts/)

Key messages

  • Encourage your State Senator to adopt the House position to index the general education aid formula to inflation. This is one of our top priorities. It would ensure basic funding does not lose ground relative to inflation in future years.

  • Encourage your State Representative to adopt the Senate position that would cover 60% of the unfunded cost of special education services. We are also encouraging them to include an annual adjustment in the formula to increase that percentage in future years.

  • Encourage your State Senator to adopt the House position to fully fund English Learner services. The House and Senate are not too far apart on this one and we are asking the Senate to take the House position. Like special education, districts must cover the costs of providing these important, mandated services but currently only receive 33% of the necessary funding.

When to call or email?

Now! Lawmakers are working on the final bill right now. Your call or email can make a real difference. Please take a couple minutes to pick up the phone or send a couple emails.